November 2nd was Election Day, and Mark came home early so we could take Lura to the local polling place with us. It may be a few years before she's old enough that she'll remember the experience into adulthood, but we hope that she will pick up the idea that we regard voting as a very important thing to do.
Two days after that was our third anniverary, and to celebrate we went to the Black Angus steakhouse. This is one of our "family friendly" restaurants, ones that are busy and noisy enough that we won't disturb other diners even if Lura is feeling restless, as she was that evening. We had a good dinner together, though Lura was ready to leave before Mark and Cheryl were!
As an anniversary and early Christmas present for each other, we bought a modern digital camera that's much more compact and much faster than the four-year-old one we'd been using. This is one of the first shots we took with it; as of mid-November Lura was pulling herself up to a standing position, using tables, chairs, her crib, or our pants legs.
She still likes being carried, though, or riding on Daddy's shoulder!
Lura is also getting big enough that she no longer needs to ride facing backward in her car seat, so on November 21st we turned it around. She can now look out through the front windshield of the Vibe as we drive! (Mark took this photo looking backward between the front seats.)
On Thanksgiving Cheryl cooked us a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Lura eats a lot of the same things we do now, but she also has her specialties; here she is making short work of an avocado, which has become one of her favorite foods. She can eat almost a whole one at one sitting on a good day!
And on November 28th our friend Amy, whom we met in The Aerospace Players and who "chaperoned" us when we were first getting acquainted during rehearsals for "Oliver!", was in town for a visit, and she gave Lura her very first Barbie doll. Amy now lives in Las Vegas but she visits Los Angeles fairly often, and we are always delighted to see her.
new 18 February 2005